Muslim Place(s) & Community Experiences in Canada
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)The articles in this edition are threaded together by different facets of Muslim community identity through the spaces and places Muslims communally build, inhabit, contest, and share. Community identity within the social sciences and humanities has been understood in a variety of ways. While some authors argue that there are no clear means of measuring a sense of community identity, especially for comparative analysis) and others have proposed foundations for the development of community identity, especially through shared discursive construction, still others prefer to examine how social identities function. They do this with particular attention to the enhancement of individual and group well-being through social support and both collective efficacy and action. These experiences can be largely shared to varying degrees by individuals who perceive themselves to be part of the same groupings or communities, especially when those collectives are subordinate or liminal to dominant cultural groups. The shared meanings that emerge from spaces shared by these groups feed into individual senses of Selfhood as well as the collective.
Within traditional Islamic discourses, there is not necessarily a term for group identity as it would be understood in a Western sense today; rather, Islamic concepts of collective identity can be understood in (but not limited to) the terms of Ummah (or the global community of Muslims connected by belief, law and practice) and fard ul kifayah, or community responsibility and duty. In fact, it could be argued that the normative Islamic worldview and ethos is one of holistic communality and relationships in a way that it is challenging for more individualized ideologies and societies to conceptualize. Ultimately, the social aspect of this requires that we parse community identity and experiences according to the situated places in which they occur and which they give life to/are given life by. The spirit of community in many Muslim locales and globally, however, has been shaken and even fragmented by forces of colonialism, neo-liberalism and others such that a sense of community identity, experience and relationality are, at best, muted and, at worst, absent. This process, of course, is neither consistent, nor linear and can fluctuate while being dependent on a range of factors including time, place, relationships, and so forth.
With these matters in mind, this issue opens with a book review by Amilah and Bibi Baksh of an important 2022 volume about knowledge production about Muslims and Islam in Canada and how this reflects on and impacts Muslim communities here – an excellent window into the diversity of scholarship out there and how this scholarship comes to be. The review is followed by the first article, contributed by Memona Hossain, which looks at relationship-building and space-making between Muslims and Indigenous (First Nation, Metis, Inuit) peoples in the context of ongoing settler colonialism and immigration to understand how both groups make meaning within their relationships and what form their shared spaces take. The second article comes from Nuray Catic and is an exploration of conversion to Islam in Canada, picking up on the themes of identity, community, and place-making through that process. Catic is also careful to center the religious stories of and community spaces built by converts to Islam – an often misunderstood and misrepresented sub-group within wider Muslim communities – to understand the diversity of reasons people become Muslim and what is shared among them. Finally, Fatima Chakroun offers a critical genealogical look at the origins of veil pulling as Orientalist and colonial violence that continues to weaponize symbols of Muslim group identity to exact communal harm through individual hate crimes. Bringing to light this historical legacy that continues to impact Canadian Muslims to this very day and offers an opportunity for reflection on how the past informs and shapes the present. -
Muslims and Mulitculturalism in Canada
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)In Canada, 2021 marked the 50th anniversary of the adoption of multiculturalism as a federal policy. Multiculturalism is often upheld as the pinnacle of Canadian culture and social achievement, and, in public education systems across the country, is celebrated as a primary point of difference between Canadian “mosaic” and American “melting pot” culture. Proponents of it argue that it encompasses “a range of notions of heritage, cultural diversity, recreation and entertainment activities, cultural centres, and as an entire way of life with fundamental institutional structures.”
Despite these performative public discourses about multiculturalism, which have been disseminated through public education and media in Canadian society since the policy’s adoption and development, multiculturalism has rightfully been understood (and critiqued) as an ideology - a set of “ill-founded beliefs which are often uncritically held by those whose interests are furthered by” them. The foundational presuppositions of multiculturalism ideology about major human concepts such as culture, cultural interaction, acculturation, difference, and power dynamics are often accepted in an unreflexive manner by those who uphold and accept its myths about itself - a similar or identical process seen in adherents of secularism and a connection that will be elaborated on this issue.
Fittingly, those on the periphery of both multiculturalism as a project and secular ways of being and building societies, are among the first to offer critiques of them - those for whom the assumptions of these projects cannot be readily accepted as commonsensical, modern or progressive.
The diversity of the four articles in this volume demonstrates the myriad of ways in which multiculturalism informs and impacts Muslim life and ways of being in Canada. As a deeply fraught, yet central tenet of Canadian national narratives, multiculturalism requires close and critical attention from many vantage points. Muslim perspectives on multiculturalism are particularly telling, as Islam and Muslims so frequently find themselves at the margins or fractures of multiculturalism - sometimes with deeply harmful consequences. Yet it is not always so dire. As some of our authors demonstrate, Muslim ways of interacting with, participating in and resisting multiculturalism also show a way forward towards a more truly pluralistic society.
Islamic Studies Disciplinarity: Muslims in Canada
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2025)The Religious and Socio-Political Studies Journal (RSSJ) invites graduate students, emerging and established scholars to submit papers for our rolling submissions/publication on the topic of "Islamic Studies as a Discipline: Muslims in Canada" for 2025. This issue seeks to explore the multifaceted role of Islamic Studies within Canadian academic and societal contexts, with a particular focus on the lived experiences of Muslim communities across the country.
We welcome original research that engages with a variety of inter-methodological approaches and/or fields of study, including but not limited to history, theology, sociology, anthropology, political science, religious and cultural studies, education, and philosophy. Papers may address, but are not limited to, the following themes:
• The evolution of Islamic Studies as an academic discipline
• Challenges and opportunities faced by Muslim scholars in Canadian institutions
• The intersection of Islamic Studies with other academic disciplines (e.g., religious studies, postcolonial studies, gender studies)
• The role of Islamic Studies in the settler-colonial context of Canadian diversity
• The impact of local and/or global events, discourses, systems and processes on the study and perception of Islam and Muslims in Canada
• Teaching Muslim students and/or Islamic Studies curricula in Canadian K-12 schools and post-secondary institutions
• The contribution of Canadian Muslim scholars to local and/or global Islamic scholarship
Submissions may take a variety of forms, including theoretical papers, empirical research papers, and reflective essays. We particularly encourage submissions that contribute to advancing the field of Islamic Studies in Canada, offering fresh insights and perspectives.
Submission Guidelines: Manuscripts should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words in length. Please submit papers in Microsoft Word format with references in Chicago style 17th edition, in text citations through the portal. All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review process. RSSJ accepts rolling submissions, so authors may submit at any time; however, the submission deadline for inclusion in RSSJ Fall/Winter 2025 edition is August 1, 2025.
We look forward to receiving your submissions and fostering a dynamic dialogue about the role of Islamic Studies and Muslim communities in Canada.